As you know , every MAY in every year we must have examination -.- So same goes to me . Now we're having our exam . It make me stress enough . I lost my appetite day by day . Seriously . Sometimes i didnt get enough sleep . Lack of rest and manymore lah kan . It has been a week . I've done 4 IMPORTANT subjects . History paper , BM , English and SPN . 6 more to go . Ouucchh ! Things getting worse that this coming monday we'll having a celebration of Teacher's Day . In the middle of the exam weeks -.- Then tuesday we got a leave ^^ teheee i can study more on BIOLOGY ♥ Because we'll having bio's paper on the next day . Gahhhh , im scared enough okay ?That's my fav subject . Want or not , i have to score insyaAllah . A little description of the papers below , not format ! haha :
SEJARAH (10.05.11) : i know , many of you hate this subject right ? But not me . I like it and ALMOST love it . Kinda weird , haha . Actually im not very interested with Physics cuz i didnt get what my teacher thought -..-It's my fault but i still dont like it , ahaha . Maybe im more to subjects that need more on reading . Sejarah , Paper 1 is okayy (objective) , paper 2 structure was OKAY ENOUGH (: but ! Essay as usual the hardest part ==' i dont know how *FEW* marks will i get . hoho . but overall this paper okay laaa
BM (11.05.11) : I dont know but the only thing i know is it is the hardest paper so far -.- Gosshh seriously kenapalah lagi susah dari sejarah . Unbelievable !
BI (12.05.11) : Paper 2 , objective , literature semua overall okay la . But paper 1 ! it's killing me okayy ! I dont know what im talking about . For free writing i choose "STORY" . So aku pun mula merepek la ! haha . It's really ridiculous . It doesnt make any sense , haha. I wrote about money , *monster* and my dad . hahaha what the relationship ? You dont get it ? Me neither , haha . So how come teacher nak faham ! haha . peduli !^^
SPN (13.05.11) : Look easy but not actually -.- The worst incident lah kan . Last week , Puan Habibah said that all the topics that we have learned will be in the paper . Means fom4 sekali la kan ? After we finish paper 2 (quite easy) , Puan Habibah said that there's no question about form4 subject ! Watta tutttt . I have read the book cover-to-cover ! but tak masuk exam . Menyirap gila . Bila dapat paper , semua soalan form 5 . Unfortunately , almost all of us tak focus sangat kat fom 5 sbb sikit . Sekali SUSAH GILA NAK MAMPOS aku cakap . Aku nak nangis dah jawap tau tak )':
Huhhh , so we'll having our MORE papers next week . Please pray for me , insyaAllah i'll do the same thing to you . Thanks (:
Sincere Love ,